Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5:30 a.m. - Day 7 - what was I thinking?

Anyone who knows me really knows I'm not a "morning person".  Even the phrase "morning person" can be annoying but I made a deal with The Sailor that he'd go to class with me if we could do morning classes.  I thought that was a sweet deal.  So far so good until the 5:3o a.m. today.

I woke up just fine, ready to go, coffee brewing.  See, I love coffee SO much that it's not easy to stop at just one cup.  So, I didn't.  I even told my coffee-loving-teacher-friend Nita right before class that I probably had too much coffee.  She giggled and said, "coffee has water in it, right?"  That's the spirit! 

Fast forward to the 5:30 class.  5:30 A.M.  I tried, I breathed, I focused on my own eyes in the mirror,  I locked my knee, I squeezed my hands-palms tight like glue.  I almost died.  Of course, I didn't but anyone who knows what it's like to have "one of those classes"  can sympathize.  I talked to myself in my head, "fake it till you make it", "just breathe", "you're not really going to die", "it's only 90 minutes", etc.  I even had this little fantasy of what it might be like to actually die in the yoga room.  What would it say on my tombstone?  It BETTER say something about "she really did kill herself for 90 minutes" instead of my joke to the world "Buried alive".  That's probably not funny to anyone but me.

Anyway - I have decided that the 5:30 class may not have gone the way I had hoped today but overall, it was a great class, lots of sweat, and lots of people struggling together to live a healthier, better life through Bikram yoga.  See?  This ended up being a happy ending after all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i've been having a LOT of these classes lately. i'm hoping that it indicates an upcoming breakthrough, though. you know it goes, one week you can barely make it through class and the next week, you're doing things you've never done before. it's the nature of the beast!

  3. Katie - I'm due for a breakthrough as well. The most exciting part of Bikram Yoga. Tomorrow is another day. :-)
