Sunday, February 6, 2011

less than six months!

The date of the studio opening is August 1, 2011.  In my mind that seems SO far away.  I was talking to my dad on the phone and he reminded me "Rach, ya know it's less than six months away, dont-cha?" Then the panic, fear, excitement, mind-racing thoughts flew in and out of my head.   What to do, when to do it, who to call first...... heating guy, web designer, what about washer and dryer for the studio?  What about towels!?  Mats!?  WHAT IF NO ONE SHOWS UP!!!!!!  Then....... deep breath, talk self off ledge, another deep breath.  First things first.  Write it down, have it on paper, start making phone calls and sending emails.  Everything will work out.  People WILL show up. 

I have not been the most consistent in practicing the yoga.  Um, that needs to change, otherwise I'll be a wreck.  I'm still faithfully putting stickers on my pretty little calendar at the studio so I do feel a sense of accomplishment there. 

My friend, Allison, took my class yesterday - she did a double!!!  I'm very impressed!  I bet she slept like a baby.  I'm sort of jealous and kicking myself because I could have taken a class and just didn't .  I'm consumed with the Sailor being home for only about 3 and a half days.  He leaves again tomorrow.  That's no excuse for me not going to yoga, though.  Tomorrow for sure!  Probably.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. go together! there's nothing like taking your sweetie into the hot room with you. :)
